Saturday, October 18, 2008


Tricity is a Junior this year and Homecoming was her 1st formal dance. She is the baby of the family and the only one left in high school. She was so excited and she looked so beautiful in her dress. (Notice that she is on her phone texting someone.) They went to Tepanyaki for dinner and then to the dance. She had lots of fun, but I think the best part was getting all dressed up. Devery helped her with her hair and makeup and she looked so grownup.

I was asked if I was going to cry but I have mixed emotions. It's really amazing to watch each one of them move on to the next stage of life. Each one handles it differently and usually different then I expect. I really miss them all being little and me being the center of their lives. It was nice to put them to bed each night and knowing that they would still be there in the morning. Now I think it's alot harder. You can only give them advice when they ask and just be there for them after. I am proud of all my kids and love them all just as much. I can only hope their kids give them back what they gave me.


Deveryjane said...

I love you MOM!!!!!!!

Chelsea and Rylee said...

Mom, I know how you feel it will be hard to see Rylee go too! I love you and thank you for being such a great Mom. You are my inspiration.